Sunday, March 21, 2010

Someday soon

I will be able to:
-wash dishes facing the sink
-get clothes out of the washer without using a hanger to reach them
-paint my own toenails
-sleep without a thousand pillows
-stop eating antacids like they're candy
-hug my husband facing forward
-get up from sitting without moaning audibly
-drive without my stomach touching the steering wheel
-close a public restroom door without having to straddle the toilet first to make room
-sleep through the night (a girl can dream right?)
-see my feet
-wear short sleeves(I like to keep my chubby arms covered)
-eat chocolate without heartburn as a side effect
-get up off the floor without lots o' help
-read stories to the kids without getting short of breath
-sleep on my back or tummy or however the heck fire I want
-not have comments like "do you feel as uncomfortable as you look" on a daily basis, especially when I think I look just fine.

All these things are completely worth it, knowing in just a few short weeks we get to hold and kiss and smell and love our new little bundle!


Enjoying the Journey said...

You just gave me a whole list of things I can be grateful that I CAN do! Thanks! You are funny! I also loved the blog on nostalgia..I get that way still when I realize how big my kids are getting! Just wait 'til Ethan is taller than you and you'll really wonder what is going on!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better! Oh the things you take for granted!
You forgot shaving legs easily. =)

Sarah said...

ahhh...pregnancy. Hang in there, hon!