Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Kate

For the first year of Kate's life or so she was never just Kate, but "baby Kate" even friends and neighbors called her that. While I hope she will always be my baby, very soon "baby Jane" will be on the scene. Kate has suddenly and not surprising coming into the terrible two streak. Why is it always right when you're about to have another baby that you think holy cow what on earth is going on? She really lets you know what she wants and on top of all that normal stuff she has become quite a little dare devil monkey. I often find her climbing up on something. I have had to find all different places to hide Easter candy and the like. In low places mind you because she has learned to pull up a stool climb onto the counter and then stand on the counter top to find things. She has even learned that if she hangs on the fridge doors and slowly walks up the fridge eventually the door will open.

She is such a cutie pie but she sure keeps us on our toes. The other day at play group a little 11 month old girl was walking along the couch by me and touched my knees, and Kate literally took her hand off my knee and said "I don't like her". I almost couldn't believe she had actually said that but she did. I hope she reacts a tad better when our own baby makes her debut.
Our cute girls
not a great picture but we took the kids to one of those new yogurt places with a ton of toppings and they get to pick. They loved it.

all tuckered out. Too bad this is nap and not nighttime. Since we put the girls together this weekend night time is a new challenge.
some of her favorite things: oatmeal, books, bananas(she calls them blananas)
proof of her climbing and getting into things!

1 comment:

Jordan Merrell said...

"I don't like her" cracks me up! she may have a harder time than, she will be great when it is "her" baby! She is so sweet that she will adjust quickly. I am impressed with her climbing ability and she looks so cute sleeping in her big girl bed. How did you get her to take naps in the bed? I am so worried about that with brennen!