Monday, March 22, 2010

A big day

Today was kindergarten registration for Anna. Can you believe it? I think with it being my 2nd child entering "real" school it's a little easier, but still hard to believe. It was one of those surreal moments really. I felt excited and nervous all at the same time. It is such a pretty spring day today and walking onto the school grounds reminded me of my spring days in grade school. The days that neared the end of school were some of the most exciting. Did you have field day? We did and I loved it. I always tried so hard to win a prize. I usually did best in the softball throw and obstacle course. I remember buying that big old fashioned taffy. That's the excitement I felt today going to school. It's strange to think Anna will be gone every single day. I'm excited for all the new friends she will meet and the new things she will do and explore.

Then came a big decision. Morning or afternoon? In the past there wasn't a choice so it was easy, but today when the decision was mine to make I felt panicked. If she goes in the morning she rides the bus to school with Ethan and then I have to pick her up...every single day. If she goes in the afternoon she rides the bus to and from school. The guilt crept in and I felt like a terrible mother thinking of the ease of her riding the bus both ways. But, that's what she wants. She has been waiting and wanting to ride the bus forever. So I did it. I signed her up for the afternoon. She will ride the bus to school with just the kindergarten students and she will love it. On the way home Ethan will be with her and he's excited to be her protector. I'm happy that she wants to be independent and so I figure while she's feeling independent I should encourage her. If she were afraid I wouldn't push. She wants this. Admittedly with a new baby this year it will be nice to not interrupt naps and feedings and all the rest to make sure I get to the school in time to pick her up. Besides I would feel even worse if she went to school all morning just in time to come home for "quiet time". I would feel like I could never rest because it wouldn't be right for me to not spend quality time and attention once she was home. This way she will be home in the morning with "the girls". Then once she's on her way we can rest(hopefully) and have some quiet time and I will know that she is happily learning away at school.

She's ready. She's excited. I know when the time comes and I watch the bus pull away from the curb with my little girl on it I'll be sad, but excited too. Wow, what a big day.

1 comment:

Jordan Merrell said...

Kindergarten is such a huge step and it does make them seem so much more grown up! It is definitely a bittersweet day and I bet Anna is so excited! I would definitely have signed up for afternoon kindergarten too!

And I may just copy and paste your previous post :) I couldn't have said it better, but someday you will miss those things and soon enough they will be over! 1 more month to go!!!!!