Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm feeling better today. Not so ornery. Maybe it's because yesterday I decided that energy or not I needed to get some things accomplished.

I remember when I was a little girl and my Dad would come home from work my Mom would proceed to tell him all the things she had accomplished that day. At the time I didn't get it and thought to myself "why would he care"? Now that I am a stay at home Mom myself I find myself doing the same thing at the end of each day. It even bothers me that I have to list off the things I "accomplished" that day. Even worse is how those things that I did took all day but once listed don't often seem like that big o' deal. I realize now that I need validation for him to see that while this or that may have gone undone that there were other things actually got done. I wish I didn't need that praise and validation but I do so what ya gonna do about it?

So When Randall got home yesterday and I had been cleaning for 4 hours straight I gave him my list:

-cleaned and organized linen closet
-cleaned the upstairs bathroom, even with a toothbrush around the toilet
-cleaned one of the downstairs bathrooms
-changed and washed the sheets on Kate's bed
-cleaned Kate's room
-dusted all the down stairs
-Vaccuumed downstairs and up
-put the clean laundry away

I'm tired today but at least I got some things off of my "to do" list and now the house is pretty clean for the weekend. Too bad Rand will be gone most of the weekend for scout training:( At least I'm feeling better about the house. Too bad I still have this large protuberance hanging off my body! 4 more weeks. I hope I can do this!


Jordan Merrell said...

You can make it 4 more weeks! we will make sure of it! apparently MAtt has to go to the same thing that Randall does this weekend so we already deserve a girls night out! (I am thinking during spring break when we are ready to kill our other kids, haha). I cant believe that you painted the changing table!!! that is a huge accomplishment and I sure hope you slept well after all the things that you accomplished yesterday! I am glad that you are crossing things off your list!! That is always great! good luck!

Laura said...

don't feel bad. I need to same validation for the things i actually DID get done. I'll take the girls just about anytime if you feel like you aren't going to make it!

Angelle said...

I love some good validation! Especially being prego its hard to get stuff done. Nice job on your day, Ash!!