Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm not quite sure that's how you spell ornery, but it's definitely how I'm feeling. I just feel so completely unproductive. Other than the fact I guess that my own body is producing another human being inside of it. I have a list a mile long of things I would like to be doing, like washing windows and blinds. Organizing the linen closet. Changing all the kids bedrooms. Yes we are rearranging everyone. Anna and Kate will share the big bedroom which is scaring me more than anything, but I think a necessary evil. I just hope we aren't crazy for making that decision. Ethan will move into Kate's room and Jane will go into Anna's room since it's already painted pink. We will keep Jane downstairs with us I assume for the first few months or so but I just want to have everyone in their place soon so we have some transition time before Jane actually arrives. I also want to plant some flowers, touch up the crib with some paint. After all it's been through 3 kids and it's looking a tad beat up. I need to put the baby's things somewhere too rather than stuffed in bins and shopping bags in the back of the closet. I still have yet to buy a diaper or a burp cloth, or socks for that matter. We do have a car seat though so I guess if she comes we could at least get her home, we would just have to stop at the store for some diapers. According to Randall when I'm not pregnant I am always nesting. So now that it's time I'm just not feeling it. I want to but can't muster up the energy. Yesterday I did get the changing table washed sanded primed and painted. It looks much better. That's about all I accomplished other than a Dr. appt and the usual stuff. I keep telling myself I will have more energy once she comes, until I realize I will be up all night with feedings and crying and all that fun stuff. I'm hoping that in about 6 months I just may feel like myself again. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Give yourself a break! Growing that baby in your tummy and raising three others all at the same time is quite a lot!