Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mirror Mirror on the wall I am my Mother after all!

My Mom and I saw that that quote in a shop one day and had a good laugh. I was thinking about that today when I heard myself saying things like "settle down or somebody is going to get hurt!" I am realizing lately that my kids are doing some of the same annoying things I did as a child.

Ethan often claims he can't find his socks. I know why since the other day I was helping him pick up his room and found socks all over his room. Not in plain site of course but in the most random of places. Heaven forbid he actually put them in the dirty clothes basket. It takes a lot more thought and effort to think of a great "hiding place" for each pair.

I've also noticed that my children must think that in, by, over under all mean the same thing. I will ask them to do something like put the books in the bag or homework in their folder or something in the garbage and inevitably those things end up on the bag, by the garbage and so forth. It's highly annoying. Why is it so much harder to put laundry in the basket instead of right by it? It often even touches the very thing it actually belongs to. I remember that my Mom used to get mad about these same things when we were kids. I guess at least it's a good reminder that my kids are at least normal right?

P.S. For dinner tonight i made a calzone sort of thing with homemade bread with eggs and veggies and turkey and cheese inside. Ethan looked in the oven and saw just the bread baking and said to me "you made bread for dinner? How in the world is that supposed to fill us up?" I just may consider a dinner strike. Yet another thing my Mom occasionally did when we were kids complaining about dinner!


Laura said...

aren't we all our mothers? i've totally been noticing the same thing about myself. haha

Brittney said...

Wow, I just caught up on your blog. You're kids are the best. :) You're going to love reading all these things a few years from now.

Jordan Merrell said...

I love the title of this post! I find myself turning more and more into my mom and I consider a dinner strike everyday of my life! I am sick of making dinners that me and matt eat and maybe one of the boys if I am lucky.