Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today has been one of those days. One of those days where you want to put your children up for sale, or at least rent for awhile. I was even considering handing them out on Halloween in place of candy. I really shouldn't complain because nothing earth shattering happened, but it was a bad "mom day" just the same. Anna woke up in one of her "moods" and was difficult from the beginning. At lunch she dropped her granola bar on the floor and told me in a very rude tone "GET IT!" I told her she needed to to be nice and that she could pick it up herself. She wouldn't and screamed at me "NO!" So I prompty escorted her to her room. She screamed and kicked at the door that already has holes in it. This went on for a time until she came down and again told me to "GET IT!" so I kindly put her down on the floor on all four to show her how easily she could "get it" herself. She still wouldn't do it. It was about this time that I needed to be walking Ethan to the bus stop so I asked Anna to get her shoes on, which she didn't, so I left.(I have never left before but was at wits end) As Ethan and I walked to the bus Ethan started crying and screaming that he didn't have his book in his backpack(very unlike him) and that his teacher was going to be mad, and with finger pointed at me yelled "it's your fault!" Are you kidding me? Did I wake up with a sign this morning that read "children please abuse me"? After much yelling and crying(on Ethan's part, although I thought about it...) I told Ethan to have a good day and started walking back home. When I got back around the corner I saw Anna at a neighbors house. Apparently she had been outside screaming so loudly that the neighbors thought certainly something must be terribly wrong. When I got closer Anna came running for me saying "you left me" I felt somewhat guilty, amused and annoyed. I wondered what the neighbors thought of my "leaving her" but didn't care too much. We decided to go for a little walk to calm down.

During "quiet time" Anna poured cup after cup of water on her bedspread and then came and said she needed two towels. I guess she decided that she needed to wash her bedspread. When Kate got up from her nap she put her hands in her stinky diaper and wiped them on her clean clothes. Later in the day she had a blow out and when bathing her she went under the water. Thankfully I was only arms length away. In the afternoon Anna dropped a glass candy dish she had taken out of the pantry. It had been a gift to me from a nice store and it broke all over the kitchen floor. When I asked her what she had to say she said "it'll be okay" I said wrong answer, how about sorry? She said sorry and went to sit on her bed for a bit.

Ok, here's where the perspective part comes in. It was obviously not the worst day ever. Nobody died but tiring just the same with something coming up or someone mouthing off, it felt like every other minute. As we headed home from faxing something off to keep Ethan from getting suspended from school for his lack of proof of immunization, I decided I wasn't cooking dinner tonight and we were doing the dollar menu at "Wendy's". When I pulled up to pay, the cashier that took my money was a girl that I went to high school with. In an instant all my whining and frustration quickly came into perspective seeing this girl behind the cashier at Wendy's. I suddenly thought does she have a family? Does she have kids at day care while she is working here to support her family? Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying how embarrassing, she works at Wendy's, on the contrary I greatly admire people who are willing to do whatever it takes, whether fast food, retail, or whatever it may be to pay their bills. I think it is very noble whether educated or not to do work that pays your families bills . Seeing this girl however made me so grateful that although I have days like today where I wonder if I should go back to work where I can make good money, feel like a professional and am validated for my skill, I quickly realize what a HUGE blessing it is that I can stay home and raise my children unlike many other mothers out there. I have friends who have no choice but to work and miss the moments that I enjoy each day of watching Ethan and Anna play nicely together, and learning new things. Kate taking little steps and using new words. Making cookies and getting costumes ready. I'm grateful that today at the drive-thru that I was given a huge dose of perspective.


Katrina said...

Nils got home 5 minutes ago and my greeting was "can I leave?"

Like you, nothing earth shattering happened today, but sometimes I feel like I'm being pecked to death.

Anyway, thanks for the laugh- it's always funny when it's someone else! And, thanks for the perspective.

Jordan Merrell said...

I am sorry you had a rough day. I have those day too (I consider them birth control :) ). I agree with you about your friend. Perspective is always a good thing. I hope tomorrow goes better for you!

Michelle said...

Hey Ash, Thanks for this post. I should have warned you that Wednesday would be a tough mommy day as it was for me too! You're spot on with the perspective, though. I hope your Thursday is better than your Wednesday . . .mine was :)

Laura said...

Wow. Thanks for the post. It's nice to know that other people have days when they think about giving there children away! haha

Kendra said...

You're always such an optimist! I love it! On my tough days, I just throw in the towel and start looking for a job. Then I realize how much work it is to put together my resume and take it to whatever company and that basically turns me off. lol.

Alyssa said...

Yes, that IS perspective! I liked yyour thoughts.

Enjoying the Journey said...

So that's what you meant about how yesterday was a bad day. Sounds like a doozy! I'm glad you could take that Wendy's moment and turn your thoughts around. It really is all about perspective isn't it?

The Walker Family said...

Wow, great post I needed it. The other day I felt I had the worst day because Kai screamed and cried so hard about wearing his costume to school that when I got there he wouldn't go inside. I promised him he wouldn't have to wear it but would still not go inside. Instead of leaving him in the parking lot like I wanted to I had to pick him up and carry him almost eight months prego with an almost already 8lb baby. Once inside he screamed so hard that parents and teachers could here nothing else. needless to say no costume, no parade, and no party but after wards said, "can I wear the mask now and go to class." I rushed him to class and went home to take a 3 hour nap. I was feeling pretty bad for myself until I read your post. Thanks

T-licious D-zire and C-hillins said...

I am so excited to have you in the R.S. Presidency!!! You are a beautiful woman, inside and out (especially when you get all dolled up for prom!) We still need to get our girls together!

Brittney said...

I think I saw you walking a crying Ethan to the busstop that day! Now I feel bad that I didn't poke my head out the door to say hi and "hang in there." I guess days like that really make you appreciate the finer mom moments that do come along.

Brett and Meredith said...

Perspective is an amazing thing and you are an amazing mom. Thanks for the post...helps us all remember that being home with kids isn't just a "breeze" for us all...but it is definitely worth every minute (soaking bed spreads and all:)).