Thursday, October 23, 2008

my sweet boy

A few days ago I walked Ethan to the bus stop as I always do. He was running around waiting for the bus when I called him over to give him a love. I normally don't do this outside because I don't want to embarass him. I quickly gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. A moment later he walked back and said "mom?" I looked down and he had his lips puckered to give me a kiss. He quickly kissed my lips and was on his way. I noticed out of the corner of my eye another mom that had witnessed this sweet scene as a smile spread across her face. What could be sweeter? A smile spread across my face as I watched my big boy get on the bus.


Hillary said...

Oh my goodness, that is so sweet! What a good boy. Thanks for the post. It gave me a big smile too.

Enjoying the Journey said...

Makes me cry! So cute!