Monday, October 6, 2008

Gardner Village- This is the place!

If you have never graced your presence with such a place as Gardner Village, then boy are you behind the times. Especially when the witches are out. Yes, every year the witches come out and they are a site to be seen. I think my favorite is "witchy poo" a lovely and curvacious witch reading the funnies, while doing her business if you know what i mean.:) Every year we take the kids up to have some lunch and see the sites. This year we got smart and went up the last weekend of September to beat the crowds and by golly we did just that! It was a perfect, beautiful, fall day. The weather delightful the food oh so yummy what could be better? Well food in my we did just that. We had lunch at the "Naborhood Bakery" saw the sites and even indulged in a carmel apple from the sweets shop. You can't have fall, and Gardner Village without a carmel apple. In fact my cute mom bought the kids each their very own apple. She said "kids have to share all the time, let's give them their own". She's right. I spend so much time making sure that my kids don't act or get spoiled and that they use their manners, etc, etc. that sometimes I forget what great kids they are and that a whole entire carmel apple to themselves would be quite a treat indeed. Boy did they think they were in heaven. Granted Anna really only ate the carmel and left her apple for me, but it's all good. We had a grand time and have pictures to prove it.

3 cute kids

Beware of the "sceery" witch

Can you say future male model? Sweet pose Ethan

Who is this lady anyway?

Camel apples for everyone

Note: If you are now craving a carmel apple then I know I have succeeded!


Jordan Merrell said...

I have every intention of taking the kids up there soon to see the witches. It was so cute! I am dying to get back up there and let the kids play.

Laura said...

where is gardner village?

Enjoying the Journey said...

We were there on Friday! I wanted a treat from the candy shop, but didn't indulge--dang, those candy apples look good! Might have to make me some of those soon. If only it wasn't such a process!

Brett and Meredith said...

You certainly succeeded...not only do I need a caramel apple, but I need it not to melt the second I walk outside! Utah in the fall is the BEST...seeing all your fun fall pictures makes me homesick, but we are still lacking in Vitamin D, so we must stay here.