Through out the school year Ethan's class has been working on speaking, performing etc in front of their classmates to become more comfortable being in front of people and gaining that confidence. For the grand finale the Kindergarten did a Circus day. Each child was asked to dress up as a circus performer or animal and perform some sort of circus act. Ethan was so excited and quickly chose to be a clown. I was so glad since we had a darling clown suit that I wore as a child for Halloween. The costume is significant because My grandmother made it for my mother to wear one year for Halloween and now it has been passed from generation to generation. Anyway, parents were not allowed to attend because the teacher wanted them to perform in a "safe" environment without the parental stress etc.
Ethan was so cute and practiced many, many times on his performance. We bought him a squirting flower and so as he started his act he squirted the kids with the flower and the teacher said it was the best! She told me the kids had no idea where the water was coming from and thought it was so fun. Then for his trick he had used a Jacob's ladder to make a penny disapear which he would then act as if he had found the penny in someone in the audiences ear. Needless to say it was hilarious and he could really ham it up while practicing. Ethan is not at all shy and I'm sure did a great job. I had to work that day so left the face painting to Randall and they pulled everything off quite well.
Ethan said that the Circus was one of the best days ever because "we didn't do any work!" Well I guess in that case I"m glad the circus only comes to town once in awhile.
Sounds like a ton of fun for Ethan. Too bad you guys didn't get to see it.
Ethan, you look awesome! Randall did a super job with the face painting. I wish we had a picture of me, Ashli, and Ethan each wearing the same costume when we were young. That would be pretty great. We are glad Ethan had such a good experience when he performed for his class. I want him to do his tricks for Bruce and me. A circus was a great idea. Way to go, super boy!
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