Thursday, May 21, 2009

Need to update

So much has been going on, like our 10 year anniversary with a little weekend get away, Anna's preschool graduation, and Ethan's last week of school. Tonight is Ethan's graduation. I don't know why I am feeling so emotional about all this. I was choking back the tears at Anna's little preschool progm. I guess life is just flying by and sometimes I feel like I can't keep up enough to even remember and cherish it. It feels like not long ago I was putting Ethan on the bus the first day of school and now tomorrow will be the last. He has become such a big boy and had another perfect report card. We are really proud of him, especially after a little rough start. Hopefully After tomorrow I will have time to post some pictures and update on the many goings on's at our house. Summer is almost here and I am anxious to have things be a little slower paced and yet dreading the expected "I'm bored".


Tyra said...

You are right, Ash, life goes faster and faster. Don't ask me how but each year seems to go faster than the last. That is why we have to "enjoy the journey" while we have little ones to enjoy it with.

Enjoying the Journey said...

Nice job, Ethan! Next year--all day and lunch at school! I love the Mother's Day book, too. The sad thing is that book would be true about me! Oh, dear!