Monday, August 25, 2008

Kate's Birthday

Sadly Kate's birthday took a back seat with all that we had going on. In fact somehow it just happened that it was my month to host 12 girls for dinner and Bunco that night. We gave her some gifts on her real birthday Thurs. then had my parents come over last night to help celebrate both of our Birthday's.
In random order:

The important thing, is that she had no lack of cake!

1 comment:

Jordan Merrell said...

Her hair and that bow are amazing! She is too cute and I love your high chair. You know, it was just her first birthday. I am not really planning on doing a whole lot for Brennen either. Probably just a family dinner (and knowing me we will just go out to eat :) ). She looks like she had a good time and got some cute toys, and like you said, the main thing is that she got some cake.