Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our Kate turns 1!!

Tomorrow is Kate's 1st Birthday! I really can't believe it, and my emotions are many. Of course I am excited and happy that it's her birthday,and yet on the other hand I'm a wee bit sad that she is already so "old". With Kate being our 3rd child, I find myself wanting to embrace and enjoy each new phase and step. With Ethan we were so anxious for him to sit, then stand, and walk... With Kate we have enjoyed that she hasn't been in a big hurry to get around and suddenly grow up on us. We have taken advantage of every little snuggle whether she's willing or not. When I wake up in the morning and know that she's awake, I don't roll over wishing I had just 5 more minutes. In fact, each morning I am thrilled to open her door and see her standing there with her huge toothy grin. She has been a bright spot to our entire family. When we foun out we were expecting, we never could have guessed at even the fraction of joy she would bring to us. Kate is one of our very greatest blessings. We are so grateful she came to our family 1 year ago. We love you! Happy 1st Birthday and best wishes for 99 more!

Please excuse me while I take a walk down memory lane

Is this really going to be worth it?

A beautiful, big, baby girl!

love at fist site...

3 days old and as sweet as ever

2 months old

1/2 Birthday!

Is all this bundling really necessary?

Blessing Day

What a cutie pie

cute even when crusty around the edges

This is what she'll look like when she finishes her cake!

How did we ever live without you?


Jordan Merrell said...

I can't believe that she is 1 tomorrow! That means Brennen b-day is right around the corner. We got so blessed with our #3 babies. Kate is so sweet and Brennen is too. I agree with everything you said about cherishing the moment. I was the same with Tyson as you were with Ethan and so anxious when he was going to do the next thing, but I have just been living in the moment with Brennen. Apparently someday, we are supposed to have more because if Brennen and Kate were big stinkers, I am sure we would be done having kids. Kate has been beautiful from day 1 and she has always looked so feminine with her amazing eyes. Congrats!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Kate! She is such a cutie! It was fun seeing her pictures from this last year. They grow up so fast.

Katrina said...

She's a cutie pie! Happy Birthday!
BTW, I LOVE that picture of you- It sums up childbirth pretty well!

Angelle said...

Cute, sweet, Kate. Happy Birthday to you too, Ash! Love ya!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Happy Birthday Kate! Time flies! I loved the memory lane. Do you think Lindsay's too old for me to do that for her? I think I've missed my window!