Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mother of the year!

Last week I was needing a break in the normal routine. Randall had been on 2 business trips within 10 days of each other and I needed a little "me" time. I decided to just do what I could with what I had. So...I bought the kids some ring pops and VIOLA, self-made me time. One of my best ideas so far. I took the kids into Roberts Craft to just look around.(One of my favorite things to do for fun) The kids were all quiet, content and happy to just follow me around as they enjoyed their lollipop. Ethan did remark once that he "didn't have time for this". I guess crafts aren't his thing. Kate was especially in heaven. When I first put it on her finger she kind of looked at it like "is this a new binki?" I thought it may not even fit in her mouth but sure enough it was perfect. By the time we got in the car she pulled it out and it was perfectly formed to the roof of her mouth. It could have passed off as a "nuk" binki. A lady walked past me once and kind of smiled. I remarked to her "yep, mother of the year here" She said "you do what you have to do". That's right and that's what I'm doing.

Do I dare try this?


This might be a keeper

I think I could get used to this

Ethan's ring pop sure made him happy


Jordan Merrell said...

I gave Brennen a ring pop last week and he loved it. He was a huge sticky mess after, but it was worth it. He would take it out of his mouth and look at it for a second and then he would attack it again. The pictures of Kate are darling! I love that Ethan said he didn't have time for that. Kids are so funny!

Saun and Wes said...

Hi, this is Saundra Nye. Can I put you on my blog. Yours is so cute. I love Kate's ring pop. London loves them and it is so cute to watch them suck on it and how their little lips move. Your kids are so cute!

Lisa said...

What a great idea! It sounds like it worked like a charm. I love the pictures of Kate. Her pigtails are so cute! I love going to Roberts as well. When Parker finds out where we are going he moans, "not the craft store again"! Kev loves him even more for saying that. He is definitley his boy.

Enjoying the Journey said...

But what about the drool? That's what I'm always worried about! Nice discovery, though! Who knew you time was so inexpensive?