Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Okay, so before I talk about the book I just want to say why wasn't I invited by any of these "crazy" girls to a book release party. I'm a party animal. I could have added to the party atmosphere. It would have been fun. You better remember me next time...or else.

Anyway, I digress. Thankfully a friend of mine went and stood in line for an hour and a half at Barnes and Noble to get me my copy of the book. Little did we know that Seagull Book was selling them as well and there wasn't a line. Oh, well.

Well, After I post this I think I might get virtually stoned, because I did enjoy it yes. I thought she did a good job of wrapping things up. But... I wasn't just drawn in and staying up all night to read like I did with "Twilight" and "Eclipse". Is it me? Probably so. Anyhoo, it was a good read and I'm glad I read it. I finally finished it yesterday at the gym. I rode the bike just so I could finally sit down and get er' done. By the way just to make me even more disliked I...didn't...like..."The Host" Whew, I feel so much better now that that's off my chest. All I have to say is go Bella.

Oh, and by the way what is your interpretation of the cover for the book? This is my take. Bella used to be a small, clumsy, un-noticed and no more significant that any other high school girl. A "pawn" in her mortal world with flowing blood-thus the red pawn. In the end, without her they would never have won the game. In the game of chess the Queen is the most powerful piece. Bella went from being a mortal "pawn" to the Queen and central figure of the game, all powerful. Without Bella the "match" would not have been won. If you want me to go on she is also now beautiful, pale and strong as is the white queen piece on the cover...a penny for your thoughts?


Jordan Merrell said...

I am glad you finished it. I am very impressed by your analysis of the book cover :) I agree with what you said on it, and basically about the rest of the book. I started reading the Host about 2 months ago and got to the 2 chapter and that was it. Now I don't know if I want to ever finish :) We will make up for not making it to any release party by going to the midnight showing of the movie!

Marina said...

Ashili... I just saw your blog on here! You are too funny! I'm glad you guys are back in the neighborhood!

Saun and Wes said...

We need to get together to discuss the book! I love your interpretation of the cover. I totally agree, but would never have come up with that on my own. Maybe it's because I don't know how to play chess...

Angelle said...

I couldn't agree more. I finished Breaking Dawn last night (4:00 am as I couldn't sleep as usual). It just never grasped me the same way the other books did. I told Mark it may have been because the "chase" between Edward and Bella was over. There wasn't a ton to anticipate at least in their relationship, which is why I loved the other books. Still worth reading though.

Enjoying the Journey said...

Wow, Ash! That was a deep analysis. At least it was thought provoking? I haven't read past "Twilight" yet. I'm sure (I think) I'll get to them.