Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer time stuff

I'm happy to report that so far so good in regard to Summer break. I was really worried but we are doing well. In fact yesterday all 5 of us took a nap all at the same time! Can you believe it? The stars must have been aligned for such a miraculous thing to happen. I didn't sleep long but the others did and I was able to read a little and get some much needed laundry done. Laundry these days seems to always be needing to be done. If it's not clothes, it's sheets or towels. How really big families do it I don't know.

We have been staying busy making and baking. Swimming and lounging. We have been pretty low key and knock on wood so far I haven't heard "I'm bored" yet. Once a week or more I have Ethan help me by reading a recipe and then making whatever it is. So far he has made waffles, french toast and a lemon pound cake. It's pretty cute because it turn out he was feeling sad that the girls get to help me do things like that when he has been at school. So now he wants to be the only helper. He does a great job and I'm excited for him to learn some basic cooking skills. He now knows the difference between a teaspoon, tablespoon, cup etc. He really has fun doing it and I think it's great to have him helping. In fact the other night we had had a really long and stressful day and I was nursing Jane so I asked him to make French toast. He did it all by himself with me just directing him from the family room. The only hard part for him was that the bread was sometimes get too soggy and then when he would try to lift it to the pan it would all fall to pieces. He was sure that he was a "failure" but I showed him once or twice how to dip it, flip it and set it in the pan and he didn't have any more bread casualties after that. He was pretty proud of himself.

We also spend some time each week at the library so we can keep up on our reading for the summer. They have a fun kids reading program where they get rewards each week if they read the specified amount. It is our city days this week also so they had some fun activities at the library Monday that we participated in. There are other things this week including the carnival, which we will avoid at all costs this year. Carnivals are such dirty, expensive and interesting places. I think the grime outweighs the fun, and the weather doesn't seem to be overly cooperative.

In regard to the swimming that has been going on our neighborhood has created it's own "waterpark" where several of the mom's put pools and slip and slides out in the big common grassy area and then we all congregate to chat while the kids go crazy. Our kids love it and it wears them out and I get to chat with friends. It makes me a tad worried though having Jane out with me in the heat. How do you keep them protected from the sun and yet not overheated? I keep a sun hat on her and a light blanket but there is not a stitch of shade. We are going to try to have a cousin day where we meet at a pool once a week and swim and I think that would be a lot of fun.

Ethan has also started coach pitch and has games twice a week so that keep us busy at in additional to Randall and his scouting night and my Relief Society meetings.

Jane continues to be as sweet as ever. She rarely cries and we all adore her. Anna is still a great helper but has scared me a few time this week because I have caught her picking her up or carrying her around on her own, without asking. Maybe I'm paranoid and it's alright but I just so worry that the baby could be dropped or fall or something.

Last night after work I handed Jane to Rand so I could finish dinner. Randall looked at Jane and said "hi boo boo" which is one of Kate's many nicknames. Kate quickly and loudly exclaimed, "I'm Boo Boo!" She's right and I thought it was pretty cute. After that little incident she insisted that of us hold her "like a baby", which I was happy to do. I miss her being my baby at times.

Jane was also blessed last Sunday and it was a really special day. I have pictures and will write about that soon.

So all in all so far so good, just 10 more weeks to go!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying the summer so far! That's fun that Ethan's learning things in the kitchen, and I'm loving the neighborhood water park as well! I've been thinking of buying a big umbrella for when we're sitting out in the sun... That kind of thing might help keep Jane cool. Hope this next week is a good one for you! I'm sure we'll see you at some point. :)