Friday, June 18, 2010

Privacy, a thing of the past

I was thinking the other day, and often do for that matter, about how when I become a Mom, my privacy basically went out the window. Going to the potty Mom? Let's make it a party. Nursing the baby? Let's kiss her head constantly making Mom's personal space basically non existent, not to mention that I already have a human attached to my body for hours of the day. So you want to take a shower Mom? Why don't I join you?

You may be asking yourself why I don't lock the door for several of these aforementioned activities? Well, the truth is I do, but my children are the best of the best in picking locks with items like car keys, butter knives, sharp knives, coins, and whatever other door unlocking paraphernalia they can get their hands on. In fact you know those things you put over the door knob so it can't turn to keep those pesky children out? Well my kids have unlocked the secret to those as well. If you hit it just hard enough in just the right spot, or stick a knife in the crack of the contraption it pops right off. In fact, Kate who is not yet two, is probably the worst culprit. She must be the cleanest child around since she will have a bath and then after I have dressed, loitioned and coiffed her hair she promptly joins me in the shower just because she wants to. Oh, and she often tries to help me apply my lotion. Kate in fact has her clothes of probably 80% of the time. I admit I'm tired and don't care as much as I probably should. In fact we have nick named her the nudista. Hey, I figure it's less wash right?. I'm told that someday I will look back and miss the little things my kids did. But, if I'm honest I'm pretty sure this won't be one of them.


Brittney said...

That's hilarious. :) I'm pretty strict w/ my boys these days, but I'm sure it'll be a different story when Ari's a bit bigger. Good thing they don't remember anything from when they're super young. I'd hate for my kids to grow up with images of my naked behind in their minds!

Lisa said...

I can relate! I always have a kid attached to me. I think nursing only adds to the feeling. Luckily, Halle hasn't figured out the childproof door knobs.