Thursday, June 24, 2010

The end of an era

We took the family, the entire family for honestly the first time ever to the movies Saturday. Wow, it's expensive to take that many people to the movie, that's probably why we don't do it. Anyway, we saw Toy Story 3. We really liked it and the kids and babe did well. We bought one big popcorn and I brought little paper bowls so we could fill those up and share the loot. This movie made me think back to about 15 years ago when Randall and I sat in the theater as teenagers in high school watching the first Toy Story. How has time passed so quickly? How did I get so old? Who knew that the cute boy sitting next to me holding my hand would all these years later be my sweet husband and father to our four children. The ending was sweet and I accepted it. Somehow Toy Story brings feelings of nostalgia similar to feelings I get when I think about Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. Ethan has loved Toy Story since he was little. In fact when he was almost two he broke his leg and his prize for being brave was a buzz light year. Years later he had a Buzz light year that would spin circles on a string from the ceiling around the room. Even now at almost 8 he will stop at the toy story and oogle over the Toy Story action figures. After the movie the nostalgia ended and I was brought back to real life when Anna started bawling because she didn't get Jr. Mints.(That poor deprived girl :) Even more reason that we don't take our kids to the movies. At least it was good while it lasted.


Lisa said...

We took our whole family to see the movie too! We were happily surprised when Hayden slept almost the whole time. Parker got all dressed up in his "woody" costume and was feeling pretty special. The night ended by Halle throwing a fit because she didn't want to get in her carseat. She even gave me a slap to the face. It sounds like are kids are a lot alike.

Jessica said...

That's cute that you and Randall saw the first one with NO kiddos - LOVE it! and LOVED the movie