Friday, January 29, 2010

Croutons, my hero!

I was having a really challenging morning today(see earlier post)when I remembered a trick someone tried with her children. For good behavior her children got a marble in a jar and with bad a marble came out. Simple enough right? How many times have I tried charts and tricks, stickers and treats trying to come up with a reward or a system to help with behavior around here.

Today I was about to snap when I remembered the marbles in the jar. I didn't have marbles so quickly looked through my pantry for what I could use. I found an empty canning jar and some lentils... too small, egg noodles...maybe. Then I saw the croutons! Without explanation I thanked Anna for eating her lunch and threw one crouton in the jar. No mention of a reward later or anything. After lunch she got upset again so I just walked into the kitchen and without a word removed the crouton from her jar. You would have thought I cut off her right arm with how upset she was. I was thrilled, it was already working! She took a nap that I made her take and so she got a crouton. When I asked her to get her shoes on she did it without any fuss and asked for a crouton in the jar. We made cupcakes and took some to her friends(her idea) so she earned another crouton. If she begins to fuss even a little I just mention the crouton and she shapes up. Wow, if only I knew it could be this simple. Who knows if it will work tomorrow, but it's working at the moment so who cares right? Who knew the power of a crouton!

1 comment:

Enjoying the Journey said...

I finally got to catch up on your blog! Thanks for the Cheetos day--hilarious and such the life of a Mom and I'm lovin' the "crouton" trick--nice going!