Thursday, January 14, 2010

Big baby

Yesterday I went to my monthly baby checkup. All seemed fine until he took my measurements to see how she was growing. He didn't say anything to me but I asked how big she was measuring. He said "oh, 30 or 31 weeks." I was like "what?" He asked me what I should be measuring and I am only 25 and half weeks. He said "oh" Then he walked out the door and handed me that lovely orange bottle of glucose drink. He said that the measurement could be 1 of 3 things. It could be a fluke, she's a really big baby (which honestly could be the case with my history) or I now have gestational diabetes. I wasn't too excited about any of these things. I guess in some ways I'm hoping it's a fluke but how does a Dr. misjudge by that much. I've heard of babies measuring a week or 2 off but 5 or six weeks? Wow.

He said it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to start eating as if I were diabetic. I don't know why he isn't testing me right away but he said we'll just do it at my next appointment. I guess the good news then is he's not overly concerned. I'm not overly concerned either but am wondering how big she could end up being. Ethan was 9lb 5 oz and I didn't have diabetes. I guess the good news is with no more treats for me and low carbs I shouldn't be gaining much more weight which is a huge plus and I will already be in "diet" mode for when she makes her debut. I was teasing with a friend yesterday and said maybe we should change the name from Jane which to me sounds dainty and feminine to something like Gertrude which sounds a tad more line-backeresque, you think?


Brittney said...

Wow, that is one scary picture! I still vote for Lily Jane. :)

Laura said...

where did you find that pic! hahaha! wow.

you know i'm partial to Jane :)

Katrina said...

Jane is adorable. And that is one fat baby (in the picture, not in your belly).

Katrina said...

Jane is adorable. And that is one fat baby (in the picture, not in your belly).

Michelle said...

So the picture had me cracking up--holy cow! Hope all is well with you and "bubs" (as they say here) and keep me posted after the next check up.

Jordan Merrell said...

Jane Gertie would be a beautiful name haha. She is still going to be a perfect, healthy, adorable baby girl! I can't believe you were measuring that far along, maybe they missed a twin in your ultrasound :) I want to hear about your "diet" and I will start on it with you!!!

The Walker Family said...

Oh Ash, sometimes we just have huge babies (you and I). Take care of yourself and all will work out. Scarlet measured three weeks ahead the whole time and when they took her a week early she weighed in at 10lbs. 2 ounces. Sometimes it's hereditery and completely out of our control. Good Luck.

Jana said...

maybe she will early!! and totally healthy.