Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tying a knot

Today I'm tying a knot in my rope and trying to hang on. I don't think I've complained too much but I've kind of had it. Last night was a terrible night I cramped and contracted through a lot of it. My hips were aching, I went potty a gajillion times. Today I got up and somehow found the energy to shower and shave my legs, yet again. Cause that's what you do when you're 9 months pregnant( or 3 days from 9 months pregnant). You just know that it's your luck that the day you choose to not shower and shave you will go into labor with greasy hair and hairy legs. Some may say who cares? Sadly, I care. Labor is already not pretty, let's not add stench to it. I want to give my nurse at least a semi decent first impression of me before I am sick and crying and sweaty and who knows what else. I am however boycotting the make-up today, so maybe that little rebellion in itself will send me into labor in my au natural state.

I called Rand for some moral support. His suggestion not surprisingly, was "movie day!" It's just so nice out that I feel like I should be outside with the girls to get some sun and exercise while we can. The girls bedroom looks like a bomb went off in it and I don't have the energy to pick it up. I bathed both girls this morning against my will and that made me even more tired. Now I don't even know where they wandered off naked. I guess I should go get them dressed and make me a snack of "whine and cheese".


CarolAnne said...

When I was expecting our fourth, I called the doctor and asked about taking castor oil. We were scheduled to move to Denver the following week and I was very anxious to have the baby. He said I could try it and if things were ready enough, it could start labor. I poured 2 oz of castor oil into a cup of OJ, keeping my nose plugged while I drank it down, until I could get my teeth brushed. It was oily.

I did that at noon and just after midnight my water broke. We hurried to the hospital where the baby was born 1 1/2 hours later. Little Melanie was born on your first birthday, and the packers came one week later.

On that day, your Mom called and invited me to come over with the kids. She watched the three boys while I rested with my sweet baby.

Castor oil worked for me, but always check with your doctor first. Good luck and hope you are feeling okay. Love ya, Aunt CA

Jordan Merrell said...

Good luck! The waiting game is the hardest part. Hopefully with your appointment tomorrow, you will find out a lot more and take some of the craziness out of wondering! Good luck getting rest tonight and I hope you had a wonderful movie day!

Maria Hart said...

I am sending huge and numerous sympathy vibes our way. It is so hard to wait, and to be so uncomfortable while waiting. I hope Jane comes soon - and let the rooms go. Explosions are okay every now and then!

Natalie said...

oh man! hang in there :) i'll cross my fingers this baby decides to show up sooner than later!!!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Love the "whine and cheese" comment! You are funny, Ash. I'm so happy we got our baby Jane! Now I can't wait to see her. I'm sure she's going to be another pretty princess for you guys!