Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby, come out!

What a difference a day makes. I am ready, baby, come out! I am not miserable but just want to move forward. It's inevitable that within a day or 10 she would be out anyway so why not just come out now? Yesterday I had "Tony Braxton hips" as Randall calls them for hours. They were worse with activity even, so I let myself dare to think maybe labor could in fact happen. I even awakened in the night with a few strong ones and thought maybe it was happening. This morning...nothing. I have never gone into labor on my own. Granted I haven't given myself much chance either. After Ethan being so big we opted to have the girls induced a little early to avoid such large baby trauma. This time I was hoping for a different outcome. I read the hypnobirthing book and for some time practiced often. time went on the thought of hypnobirthing was freaking me out more than anything else and I figured it was doing more harm than good. I still wanted to go on my own though and just see what happened. At this point while that would still be ideal, I don't really care that much. I went to the chiropractor today and told him to please work some magic but nothing so far. I almost wish that I weren't have the braxton hicks so often. It makes me hopeful and think maybe just maybe something is happening and maybe tonight I'll have me a sweet chubby baby? Probably not though. Rand asked me if he should work from home today just in case, but I told him that would be like waiting for what's the saying "a watched pot never boils". I figured a watched wife never labors, so I sent him off to work. Good thing too since nothing is happening.

I'm trying to visualize it happening but I'm not very good at that sort of thing. I guess for now I'll just try to be patient and go take a nap. Something that I won't be doing much of when she does finally arrive.


Katrina said...

I only went into labor with Anders. I'm convinced that I would still be pregnant with all three girls if I weren't induced. Good luck to you! The waiting game is torture, I hope you don't have to wait much longer!

Jordan Merrell said...

Good luck with this next week! I am so excited for your appointment on wednesday (unless you dont make it that long). I am glad that you are ready for her arrival :)