Friday, October 30, 2009

The witch is in

Do you ever feel like you've been tagged to have lots of little things come your way to make things more difficult. Nothing life altering mind you, but there have been several in my life lately. Today I just kept getting dumb news or having conflict somewhere. I was dealing with some of that "bad news" on the phone today when a friend came calling for Ethan. When I got off the phone he wasn't home anymore. I found him outside down the street. I told him to come home and he couldn't play right now because had broken some of the rules. 1st he has to ask if he can play with friends, and 2nd if he can leave the house and tell me where he is going. He was really mad and I just said "what would you have done if you were me?" his response, "clean the house". Are you seeing a reoccurring theme here? It's moments or days or weeks like these where I try to count my blessings. Today I'm not in the mood. Maybe I will just put on a big witches costume and go with it!


Tyra said...

I think it is time to get out the Christmas music and go into the zone. That sets the theme for your holiday. Halloween is almost over. Move forward to your happy place.

Maria Hart said...

"Mama said there'll be days like this..." They unfortunately come to us all. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for you. Congratulations on your pregnancy, by the way. I hope you are feeling well.

Laura said...

I'm sorry, but Ethan's response made me laugh out loud. You should just put the witch's costume on. Sometimes it just feels better.

Staci J said...

You're a great mom! And I'm so happy to hear your news!!! Congratulations you guys!

Sarah said...

Happy birthday to Randall!