Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My name is Kater...

Kate at Thanksgiving point getting ready to ride a pony.
Kate found a life jacket at swimming lesson and decided she needed to wear it.

Our little ballerina thinking deep thoughts
Kate's first time out! She was not too happy as you can see. She is still most of the time a total sweetheart. She melts my heart in one way or another every single day. I don't remember a time in the last year that she has awakened in the morning crying. I know she's up because I will hear her jumping in her crib. Then when you go in to get her she either keeps jumping or dives for the mattress. She is a little talker and can say pretty much anything. She can sing the entire Happy Birthday song all by herself and twinkle, twinkle little start. Randall is always singing a song to her that says "my name is Kater, it rhyms with Skater, and this my friends is Kater's shooooow." She sings that all the time and shakes her head back and forth on the o of Show to give it the proper vibrato :)

As she is quickly approaching the terrible 2's there is evidence of that from time to time. Her offenses in that regard are usually coloring on the walls, coloring on the computer screen, or hitting people. The picture above was her very first time out ever because she threw her sippy cup really hard having a fit and the lid came off and it splashed milk all over the floor, cupboards, fridge, everywhere. I decided that was not going to happen again so in time out she went. I think it was pretty effective don't you?

She is a sweetheart and we can't get enough of her. Yesterday I pulled her into bed with me and made her snuggle. She is a bright spot in our day, everyday and we are so glad we have her!


Sarah said...

I love seeing how such little kids have personalities all their own. It's so amazing.

Give her a hug for me.

Brittney said...

She is a cutie!

Tyra said...

You're right! Can't get enough of that cute little girl. MMMMMAAAAA!