Wednesday, April 8, 2009

True wuv

What is true love to you? Tonight it comes in the form of "Mack's pillow soft snore proof, water proof ear plugs." Yes, ya heard right earplugs(get it? heard right? hehehe) Tonight we were down to about 3 drops of milk so Rand very kindly offered to go to the store to pick up a few things. The list contained some very important items in addition to the milk, like bread, light bologna, enchilada sauce... It was only when he walked in the door from his trip that I immediately shrieked "dang it!" to which he replied "what did I forget?" my reply? "Nothing." his reply? "what!?" it went on like this for awhile because Rand is one of those few great guys who I know without a doubt would turn right back around and go back to the store and get what I need. I told him I knew he would go and so that's why I wouldn't tell him because I didn't want him too. That's when he pulled out the trump card and said "but that's one way I can show you I love you." What's a girl to do. I need earplugs! You may be wondering why earplugs? Going swimming? No, as weird as it may seem I almost always sleep with earplugs, and no Randall does not snore. I have always been a very light sleeper, and now even worse with that lovely mother instinct that comes with the arrival of a child, It's like I can literally feel that my kids are going to wake up mere seconds before they actually do, and then I still hear them even with the promise of noise reduction up to 22 decibels. So, when last night I realized that Kate had attempted to eat my last pair and Rand offered to go to the store for me I said " No, it's all good, I'll be fine. I was wrong. I heard everything and awakened several times. One of those times was to little miss Kate who for whatever reason awakened in the middle of the night to kick her feet and "talk" for oh say an hour or so? I couldn't be mad, she was happy for Pete's sake but I couldn't go to sleep with her crib just one floor above me exactly over my head. Boy are those heat vents good at carrying her cute little voice and the kicking of her cute doggy slippered feet! Some women like flowers, some chocolate but tonight for me true love comes in the form of Mack's pillow soft earplugs!


Katrina said...

Very sweet. We use a fan in our room to create white noise. I can't sleep without it.

Brittney said...

That's hilarious! I hope you got a better night's sleep last night. :)

Enjoying the Journey said...

Have you ever tried wadding up toilet paper? Jeff had to do that on our 18 hour drive from Washington because to moving van he drove squeeled at him the entire way! Randall's a keeper! I love how proud Ethan was of his award! Cute boy! Way to go--Scholar of the Month! Randall looks like he had a great trip--too bad about the deathly sickness! Glad he's home! And I love the pose on Kate! Precious!

Jordan Merrell said...

You crack me up! I love this post and I love that Kate randomly woke up for an hour to talk to herself (and that you got to hear it). So cute!

Sarah said...

Oh that's too funny. Cute little Kate talking to herself...but keeping you up!

I sleep with earplugs in Africa. There are so many sounds...bush babies, roosters, and especially the 4 to 5 am calls to prayer from about 15 different mosques within earshot. One right next door, and so, so loud. I totally understand the ear plug thing!

Brett and Meredith said...

Love your posts! And, way to go, Ethan! He is such a great kid. Fun that Randall was able to see the Browns! Too bad Asia wasn't quite so pleasant....those potties are far from me.

Staci J said...

Wow! I'm so glad you have your family back together again; you're such a tough cookie for being able to be mama to 3 kids w/ no husband! Rod is going to India for about 10 days next month and I don't know how I'm going to do it! I haven't slept with earplugs since we lived at Wymount, but have thought about picking some up numerous times... I think I'm sold:)