Thursday, February 5, 2009

Spring yet?

I loved that this morning going out to the car was not a painful, cold experience. It was already registering 32 degrees before 9am. A miracle. I love that the snow is melting and I'm hoping that soon enough we just may be able to take a walk outside. Can you imagine? I almost bought Easter dresses at Costco the other day but was good and refrained. They were so cute though... It made me think that Spring is just a tad closer. It also makes me think of the chocolates that someone brought to dinner last night that I ate adding to my waistline. I need to remember it's not too long now and I won't be able to hide my figure under long sleeves and pants. What's a girl to do though when someone so kindly brings See's chocolates? You eat them of course. I certainly don't want to come across as rude. For lunch I'll eat a salad and that will certainly cancel out those chocolates from last night...and this morning :)


Laura said...

Of course, salad cancels out everything! I can't wait for spring either. I want to take Mariah to the park!

Sarah said...

I'm jealous. We had coldness in the single digits with wind of 30mph today. Brrr, brrr, brrr. But up to 40 on Saturday...I can't wait for spring either.

Jana said...

put the chocolates in the salad--thats okay, right?!

Enjoying the Journey said...

It's the shock to the system long as you eat them all at once, your body doesn't know what to do with them and they don't stick to your hips!

Maria Hart said...

Why should dessert just be after dinner. I like to have breakfast dessert, lunch dessert, and dinner dessert. Why should one meal have all the sweets?! Your Kate is darling, by the way.

Tanya said...

Wasn't today (Sat) so nice as well? The sun out this early afternoon was lovely. Haven't you heard of the snickers salad; as long as the word salad is in it, must be good for you. Ha!