Sunday, February 8, 2009

sun shiny weekend

I came in Kate's room to check on her and she was so sweet and asleep that I ran to get the camera but when I came back she was awake. I love it when they wake up with pink cheeks.
The kids got sleeping bags for Christmas so we cozied up and had a movie night. The bags are good to down to 20 degrees which would have come in handy when the city tried to turn off our electricity last week. They had been putting our payments towards and old acct. I was not too happy about it. Thankfully I was home to get it figured out or it would have been one chilly night.
Just because she is so cute she makes me want to kiss her face over and over.

Yesterday was awesome! It was sunny outside and we actually got out and enjoyed it. we spent some time in the yard pulling out dead plants and sweeping up a bit. Then we went out and spent some time on the basketball court with the kids. Rand and Ethan shot some baskets and Ethan even swished a few with the full size ball. He had to granny it but made some just the same. Kate just walked around eating random patches of snow, yikes. Anna rode around on her bike and it was so nice. I even put Kate on a scooter and she held on all by herself and I would push her around. She LOVED it. If I took her off she would say ON, On! It was so enjoyable even if it's not going to last. I can't believe it's supposed to snow tomorrow!

On another totally random note, I have been craving something strange lately. A rabbit. No not to eat, but to own as a pet. This is very strange because I really am not a pet person and don't even like that we have 1 fire belly toad that we have to care for. Occasionally though I just get a strange hankering for an animal. A few months back I was just dying for a love bird for a few months, I got over it thankfully. Now I'm on to a bunny. Yesterday when I walked into the pet store to buy some crickets to feed the toad the smell of the store just about wiped that craving away. Did i mention how much I hate buying live crickets. I always walk out of the store holding them at arms length like they are poison or something. When I got in the car buckled them into the passenger seat to ensure they would stay upright and be certain not to spill out into the car, yuck!


Brittney said...

You are so funny! Your kids would love a bunny, I'm sure. I wanted one years ago for Easter and was so mad when my parents got me an ugly stuffed one. Definitely not the same. I'm glad you got out to enjoy the sun! We drove past people out on walks and stuff and thought doing something, but never did. Hopefully the sun will come back soon!

Michelle said...

Ha ha! I didn't know you had a toad, or that you have occasional pet cravings! Gross that you have to buy live crickets. When I lived with that friend of mine, her brother's pet iguana ate those and once they escaped all over the house! Glad you got enjoy some "nice" weather!

Jordan Merrell said...

The rabbit for a pet comment has to be the funniest thing that I have heard for a while. I never thought you were that big of a pet person, but you are proving me wrong :) That first picture of Kate is so cute! I love when they first wake up too. The are still out of it, but are so sweet and cuddly. The sleeping bags were a great idea!!!

MaryAnn said...

Hmmm, I don't really see you having a're more like a fish person. No just kidding, I can never have a rabbit, even if I wanted one because when I was young I bunny-sat for my friend and her bunny kept jumping out of its cage at like 3 in the morning and jumping on my really freaked me out, that and it ate the fingers off one of my dolls. Yep, that got rid of that want pretty quick!
My sister had a lizard that had to be fed live crickets and one Sunday we came home from church to find "Charlie" dead...he had choked on a cricket...half of the bug was still hanging out of its mouth :P
Kate is such a cute little doll!
And I love the movie night with the sleeping bags...that looked so fun!

Brett and Meredith said...

So I'm not the only one...I think a bunny would be nice, too. Until, like you, I think about that lovely smell and all the poop, and that really, can he not live outside when it is 115 degrees? Hmmmm....guess I'll hold off. Again. Your little Kate is just too cute for words and sounds like your big kids are getting bigger by the minute! Way to go with the basketball Ethan.

Sarah said...

lol, we have to buy lice crickets, too. But ours come in a pre-packaged little deal with 24 crickets in it, food for them, and everything. It's pretty nifty. But I still find them a bit creepy.

Enjoying the Journey said...

The sun HAS been great lately! It is fun to have a change up in the weather, don't you think, so we can really enjoy ourselves? BTW--When did you get the toad?