Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nursery - a no go

Today was the big day. The day we parents in the "Mormon" world wait for many, many months. When the babes in arms turn the lovely 18 months they get to enter Nursery. This means that Mom's and Dad's no longer have to stand in the hall for sometimes hours at time due to an either fussy or overly active baby. My only qualm though is why is it that the peak of separation anxiety is also at 18 months? Can't we change the qualifying age to legally and lawfully attend nursery at say 16 months when your child is still most likely to happily oblige and attend without weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? Well of course you know what I'm getting at. Kate turned 18 months yesterday, so of course today is the day. Randall was nervous about it all morning. He is the nice parent in this family and hates to see the kids upset. I guess I am home enough with them that I am more of the attitude of "git er done", so I wasn't too worried about the crying that was most certain to occur.

I dropped her off cause Rand didn't have the heart and she immediatly started screaming. She would have nothing to do with the coloring page that was in front of her. Well we didn't wait long. Just 3 minutes after she arrives she was returned to me and I was told "she's not having this today". I wasn't too pleased. I understand that these sweet nursery workers are there on a voluntary basis and don't want to deal too long with some strange screaming child. I just figured they would give it just a tad longer let's say 15 or 20 minutes? I of course took her back and she held on to me for dear life. After a time Randall decided that he would attend with her to help her "transition". With Randall there she ate snack and participated in music time but wouldn't let him leave. I don't know how long Randall is going to attend nursery to aid in the transition but let's just say when he leaves in March for a few weeks and I have to conduct meetings elsewhere there will be a lot more crying going on. Here's to 18 months and transition.


Jenny said...

That's so funny that today was her first day of nursery. Just today for some odd reason I was trying to remember the age difference between her and Jared and realized she should be going soon. I am sorry, though, that it wasn't a good experience. I hope it gets better!

Jordan Merrell said...

I am sorry that she didn't like it. I totally agree about the 16 month thing. They would all love it and would willing go. Bren just stood at the nursery door and wanted to go in but I am sure in 3 weeks, he will be doing the opposite. Hopefully she likes it soon!

Welsch Family said...

Ah, yes. How I agree. Jace went with Nick at 16 months because Nick was a teacher in nursery and we were in a Branch with some easy going Primary leaders. How nice it would be if it were always that way. What are you going this week? I'd love to get together!

Katrina said...

Darn it all. I sat in nursery for two years with Anders. My girls have been fine, but I think it's because they're used to getting dumped off at the gym every day! :)

Enjoying the Journey said...

Sorry about happened that way with Lindsay too! Jeff was the heavy hand and it worked out with him dropping her off a lot better. Now when I get dressed for church I am wearing my "Nursery" clothes and she can't wait for the closing prayer in sacrament! I wish those leaders would be tougher, ya know?

wendy said...

I am very anxious to get Ellie in there.
I just hope she will stay, it doesn't sound to promising.

Unknown said...

hey there. Just wanted to leave a comment to say thanks for coming on Saturday. It was sooo good to see you. It really meant a lot to me that you took the time and effort to come. you are the best. :-)
here is corey's blog address

i really hope to hang out with you soon.

Jensen said...

That is so typical!! I for one do not agree on the age thing . . . because I am the nursery leader in our ward (which I love completely) and 16 months is way to young for the attention span:) Also, in ours we don't let the kids scream for that long either since it gets all of the kids thinking there is something to scream about. Sorry, it is hard for you, but eventually she will go when she sees how much fun they are having:) Good luck next week!

Brittney said...

I love how you wrote about that. :) I hope she adjusts soon! Matt's cried the last couple times but I've just left him and apparently he's been able to calm down okay. At least while Randall's here he's willing to sit with her and you get to relax. :)

Staci J said...

I totally agree with the 16-month thing! I'm in nursery right now and we let our kids come in around 16 17 mos. It's so much easier for all! And I have held a screaming child for 30 min before passing her off to someone else... Man, sorry for the next couple weeks, hope it's not longer than that!

Sarah said...

Oh, boy. I really don't remember Juma's transition. But I'm sure it was rough. Maybe it was so rough I've blocked out the memory...

Good luck with Kate!

Maria Hart said...

Ditto to all the been theres, done thats. I agree with the 16 month age, those two months don't add much by way of attention span, but do incredible things to their attachment issues. When I was in Nursery, I happily took in younger kids and I would work with screaming kids for about 25 minutes. Usually, they can be distracted. But for those that couldn't, several weeks of Mom or Dad staying usually did the trick. I hope Kate makes the transition for you. And, at least she is going in as we are finally heading out of cold and flu season! (Nursery seems to be the cesspool of all germs!)

Jen said...

I have really thought that the 16month thing is a great idea. Hey, we know someone in "high places." Call her up and get that changed would ya? Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. Sometimes they trick you. My Gracie went to nursery really well for the first few months and then it's like all the sudden she learned better! Pretty much every week I leave her crying in there and pray that she makes it the 2 hours! Good luck my friend! Jen Hodges Stemmons