Friday, February 27, 2009


This morning on my way home from the gym I noticed flags in the roundabout going to our house and wondered what holiday I was missing. This afternoon when I drove down our street to pick up a little girl to take to the bus stop I saw more and more and more American flags lining the street in front of this little girls home and I knew... Her Daddy was home. This sweet family has had their Father and husband gone away for a year to Afghanistan. During that time my friend had a baby and had endured many trials and yet every single time I have asked her how she is doing she puts a smile on her face and says she is doing fine. There were times after her baby was born that she would say she was tired but that was the extent of her "complaining". She has been an amazing example of someone who pushes forward and remains positive and faithful despite the many challenges she faces. As I drove down the street and saw all the flags and the Welcome sign on their front door I was surprised that I was completely overcome with emotion. The extent of the service that not only the husband had provided but his sweet wife as she patiently and painstakingly cared for her 3 small children while he was away is amazing. When the little girl got in my car and we drove to the stop the only think I could squeak out was "is your Dad home?" She excitedly said "Yes!" It made me so grateful for the families who sacrifice so much on our behalf. It certainly puts the 18 days that Randall will be out of the country into perspective. It could certainly be much, much worse.


Brittney said...

Wow, yes - that definitely makes me feel like a wuss. I complain way too much! I'm so glad he came home safely so they're all able to be together again.

Brett and Meredith said...

What a tender story...I don't know how those wives do it. I agree that they deserve a lot of credit, too. What a great reunion for that family. And if they read this, Thank You!! from us.