Thursday, March 26, 2009

spring hath not sprung

'You will see in the bottom picture a lovely scene of what my front door looked like a few weeks ago. As part of my spring cleaning I washed my door and made a tulip bouquet and was so excited to make a Spring statement. I think it stayed on the door for a day or two despite the crazy wind. I finally had to take it down and put it on my dining table because of the lovely weather we have recently been experiencing. I can't believe it is snowing!!! Randall is supposed to fly home to this tonight after experiencing Summer in Australia. That just may be a shock to the system.

I also had to post some pictures of my cute kids of course. The pictures loaded in a weird order but we'll just go with it. This was after church and I thought our little miss looked so cute with just her onsesie tights and and shoes. She was pretty darn cute for church if I do say so myself. I had them all wearing red for the week before Valentine's day so it's been awhile. She was going to try to help me clean. I have had to hide all the cleaning products recently because she is very into "helping" and she thinks that clorox wipes are baby wipes- not good.
Don't they look thrilled. I want to have the kids picture taken for Easter but I fear the worst since I think once you have 3 children it is nearly impossible to have them all looking at the camera at the same time, let alone smiling. We will see how brave I get.
I think this pose has becomes Kate's signature look. We don't ask her to do this she just seems to often do it. I think it's pretty cute though like she is deep in thought. Come on isn't she the cutest thing ever.
Here was my pretty Spring door. I guess it will just have to wait. :( Randall will be home in say 10 hours. I guess with the weather it would be safe to say his return will be like Christmas in March.


Laura said...

I just love that pic of Kate deep in thought. She is way too cute.
Yay for Randall coming home. Boo to the snow!

Laura said...

Mariah saw the picture of Kate and said, "It's Cake! from Anna's house!"

T-licious D-zire and C-hillins said...

Kate is no doubt adorable! Love her! and I love your door decor. Snow covered tulips hmmmmmm bizarre weather. Lily wants Anna to come play again.... I do too :) I'm glad your hubby will be home soon. Time to take a long Calgon bath!

Jillybobilly said...

i had no idea Randall was gone so long. You are an amazing mom for all you do. Very cute door decor and even cuter kids. Noah is fun but cant wait for his personality to show more.

Brittney said...

Love the pics! I'm glad Randall got home (I saw his car this morning) - you made it! Way to go. Now hopefully he'll be able to get over the jet lag soon...

Lisa said...

I am depressed that winter is back. I just hope that my family doesn't get sick again. Your kids are so cute! You always have them dressed darling. Kate reminds me so much of Anna. It is probably because that was the age Anna was when we first met you guys!

The Walker Family said...

Oh Ash, so sorry it's snowing again. I think my mother-in-law calls me daily complaining about the weather up need to come to TX to get away. :) Love the adorable V-Day pics and your darling tulip decor!!

Staci J said...

I am so sick of winter!!! I put my spring wreath on my door too, maybe it was too soon... Kate is a doll, I just want to squish her! Love the coordinating outfits, you for sure need to get pictures, call Liz!