Our Kate is getting big way too fast. She is still as sweet as ever and we enjoy her personality. She is really learning to hold her own, especially around Anna who she knows will take things from her. If Kate sees Anna coming she whips around away from her and yells "Mine!" I don't blame her. She is so fun right now that I am sad that she is getting older. Just 1 month until nursery which we welcome. I hope she will go despite her recent bout of separation anxiety. Just for memories sake I wanted to write down some of the words she is saying. I always think I will remember when the kids did this or said that, and when it comes down to it I really don't. She is by far our earliest talker and it's fun to have her express herself.
Words: up, mine, no, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Thank you, bubble, biki-binki, ink-milk/drink, Anna, bless you, here you go, please, cheese, bye bye, hello, doggy(was her first word), Papa, woof woof, hop, bap-bath, treat, nose, all done, night-night, baby, jump.