Sunday, August 8, 2010

We're here!

I know I need to post pictures and I really will, and lots of them, but I just wanted to post that we are here and doing well. For the most part all is very well and we are settling in quickly. My parents have been a huge help and Thursday we unpacked ALOT! Now we mostly just have all the many "misc" boxes and decor but for now are too tired to worry about all that. I just wanted to quickly document how blessed we are feeling tonight. We feel like we are living in a good home in a good neighborhood with great schools and a great church congregation. Today we went to church and people were very welcoming and kind. Tonight we decided to go to the kids school to show them where it it was and play at the park and randomly someone from our ward came with 4 of their 5 children. Their kids are similar in age to ours and they go to the park every night by the stream and catch frogs. Our kids caught frogs with them and had a blast. I feel like it was no coincidence that we "ran" into him tonight, our kids are already thrilled that they have "friends". Tonight as we were sitting down to dinner someone from church brought over some yummy brownies, then when we got home from the park our Stake President came over with a pan of home made cinnamon rolls. He is married to a woman that my mom just happened to sit next to that happens to be her cousin making us 2nd cousins or something like that, small world. Then after that the door bell rang again and I could hardly believe it, it was the family from the park with another dessert. They came over because she wanted to meet me and they invited us to dinner this week. They just moved here from Utah a month ago and are loving everything about it!

Yesterday we went and saw The Statue of Liberty, and I had to just keep reminding myself that we actually live here, and will be able to see and do so many amazing things. While this move has been a sacrifice in part I really think we will have so many rich experiences and make friends with amazing people.

While everything is going well, tomorrow my parents are leaving. I have mixed emotions as you can imagine. It's been great to have them here and share this experience with us. I feel like I am being brave in venturing out and trying to be independent but I worry what tomorrow will bring. They will leave and Randall will head into the city and "real life" will begin. I know that we will and have been blessed and we will be taken care of, but it will be all new again not having any family around us, as well as the good friends we have come to love and rely on. I guess I just look at it as an opportunity to grow and be challenged and I'm really looking forward to that.


Jordan Merrell said...

I have been waiting for an update and I am thrilled at how well things have been going so far! I knew you would have no problem making friends but it is always a relief to know that you will be as loved there as you are here! I am glad the kids have friends. I am sure you have mixed emotion about your parents leaving. definitely bittersweet!!! good luck and I will continue checking for more updates!!!

CarolAnne said...

Wonderful post! I look forward to reading about your adventures in the East. You're doing a great job one day at a time. Love to you all!

Lindy said...

Sounds like things are really good--we're so glad! I'm sure you will settle in very fast and we're happy you are surrounded by good, supportive people (all of whom make yummy desserts--yeah!)

Laura said...

We miss you guys, but are glad you are liking it and that you already have friends. love you lots

Angelle said...

I am so happy for you guys!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Sounds like it's even better than you'd imagined! I'm happy I have this blog to hear the details. I didn't know if I could call your cell or if that's long distance now and you'll be ticked to get calls on it...Thanks for updating your blog. I am already jealous of all the fun things you've been able to do as a family. Keep enjoying the journey! Love ya!

Brittney said...

I hope you survived the rest of your first day on your own! It sounds like even though there are lots of things to adjust to things are working out great. Hope you continue to make good friends and find a good grocery store soon. :) Every time I look over at your townhome I feel sad, but I'm so happy for you all the same. Enjoy!

Ryan said...
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The Flores Family said...

Blessings, blessings, blessings! I am glad to hear that everything is going so well! We miss you guys!